Friday, 23 December 2016

Special Edition Fat Superhero Friday

Today is a special edition of Fat Superhero Friday, which you can probably tell from the quality of the illustration and the lack of overweight-ness was not drawn by me.

This was actually my birthday card from Fireman Will, and both due to my desire to show it off and my own inherent laziness I'm posting it in pride of place!

Thank you Willy.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Fat Superhero Friday

Hello. I have returned. Absence makes the heart grow fonder right? ....or makes for forgetfulness several Fridays in a row.

This one's kind of a hero. He's definitely Steve's hero. Plus I did draw it for his birthday card, which was sent via airmail, so he FLEW like a superhero.

It counts.

Also I know I can't write straight. I think my head might be slightly tilted to one side. It's why I could never pursue my dream of becoming a tightrope walker.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Fat Superhero Friday

I haven't posted in a while...because SHUT UP, THAT'S WHY!

It has been 80% laziness, 10% having international house guests to entertain, 5% your face, and another 5% drawing things which are neither fat nor superheros and therefore un-bloggable.

But now, this:

I watched Pitch Perfect 2 the other day and Rebel Wilson suspended from the ceiling by silks is still at the forefront of my mind.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Fat Superhero Friday

I missed last week because of no reason. So this week I have drawn an enormous cartoon Patrick Warburton to make it up to you.

Apparently 'The Tick' is being rebooted, and was rumoured to star 51 year old Patrick Warburton. However I have done some Googleing this evening to discover that he will NOT be playing the titular character in the live action reboot, and also that Patrick Warburton has looked pretty much the same since....always. I mean he looks older now but he looks older in the suave, sophisticated Clooney way. Where as I am fairly certain I, being a female who is not Christie Brinkley, will age more in the fashion of that apple you forgot about at the bottom of the fruit bowl for the whole of summer. It's fine....until it isn't.

Anyway, my prediction is, as it has been 15 years since The (original) Tick live action series was made, in another 15 years they will bring back Warburton to reprise his best ever role* (*Matter of opinion, David Puddy is a close second) and by then surely he will have gained some weight....maybe. Probably not wrinkles though which is why I didn't include them.* (*That is a lie, I just cannot draw wrinkles)

Here he is now:

And here's David Puddy as The Tick in 2031:

Friday, 3 June 2016

Fat Superhero Friday

Not really a super hero, but definitely my star wars hero, for no other reason than he's freakin cool. That's how Boba do.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Fat Superhero Friday

I am loving that my phones predictive text now automatically follows the words 'fat' with 'superhero' and 'superhero' with 'friday'.

So this essentially just Garfield. I wanted to draw Black Panther, and then I realised it's quite difficult to differentiate between black pen and more black pen. And his outfit would be essentially all black pen. A more skilled artist (I use that term loosely) than I would probably be able to accomplish shades of black but unfortunately I am me and as such only have access to my own skill set. Until I find a mushroom in a brick and level up. Then I should be able to fly and shoot fireballs. Or at least be a little taller which would be nice.

Anyway I bought new pens off Amazon and they arrived yesterday so look forward to more colour. 12 more of colour. K BYE.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Fat Superhero Friday

I'm so tired I initially coloured in cap'ns pants red and spelled shield incorrectly.
That last one's not really the fault of my weariness and more that of my heinous spelling abilities. Also, he's holding a hotdog. Unfortunately I have no hotdog or bun coloured pens. Use your imagination. This is a low (ie. no) budget production. 

Friday, 6 May 2016

Fat Superhero Friday

That film came out 12 years ago. Yeah. 
The cheeseburger film I mean. Superman The Movie came out in 1978. That's your fact of the day. You're welcome. 

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Fat Superhero Friday

After a brief hiatus, due to me being a lazy shit, I've brought back your favourite semi-regular, Friday posting, overweight crime fighting scribbles.

Sure, you can try to tell me this is not your favourite Friday posting overweight crime fighting scribble based blog, but you can't lie and say that it's not your favourite Friday posting overweight crime fighting scribble based blog which is published semi-regularly!

Or maybe you can, I dunno I'm not your boss.


Saturday, 9 April 2016


It was Fireman Will's birthday on Monday, so I set about drawing him a card. For those of you who don't know who that is, he's a fireman named Will. Unfortunately my yellow highlighter (a key tool in all professional artists artillery) ran out mid way through colouring in "Happy Birthday." So please just imagine that it looks very Star Wars-ian to complete the effect I was going for.

Friday, 1 April 2016

Fat Superhero Friday

I didn't post last week because I was off gallivanting around Paris, dodging gypsy's and speaking pigeon French to perpetually miffed looking sales clerks. To stem your disappointment at going without for a whole Friday, I've brought you something M15+. Or at least PG. I dunno, what do you rate pubes? 

Friday, 29 January 2016

Fat Superhero Friday

It's 11.57pm on Friday in London so I just made it. Although I did skip last week win some, you lose some. 
I seem to have given iron man tiny legs. Let's say this was an artistic decision to show just how long he's been sitting in that arm chair. 

Friday, 15 January 2016

Artistic Prowess

Found some masterpieces in my wardrobe before I left Australia. The muffin I saw on the interwebs somewhere and recreated, the French bread was my own creation so the muffin didn't get lonely. This, a map of the world and the poster from Monicas apartment in friends is what passed for art in my first apartment. These two were proudly displayed in the living room. I donated them to the op shop before I left for London, so some lucky bastard is going to get them for a bargain!....or paint over them and break my heart. My artistic soul may never recover if I find out the latter was the case.

Sharpie on canvas - 2013

Fat Superhero Friday

It's back (it's still Friday in England.) I know all 5 of you out there missed it. And now with worse hand writing and more awkward sentence phrasing than ever before! Enjoy.