What words can I think of
that haven't been said,
that haven't been written,
that haven't been read?
What can I invent?
An idea no one's thought
that hasn't been packaged,
not yet sold or bought.
I can't yell the loudest,
so what does it matter
to be one little voice,
amid white noise and chatter?
But if I shuffle some cards,
a 52 pack,
and I put them together
neatly placed in a stack,
there's a mathematical chance,
almost certain, for sure,
that the order I deal in's
never been dealt before.
The cards are the same.
The king, queen and jack.
All of the numbers.
All red or black.
But just by moving a couple,
or reshuffling them all
I create something new
through the way that they fall.